

High Fashion with the Right Vision

Is the ever rising wave of textile waste a tsunami for the fashion industry, or will it be the ride of our lives? There are mountains of waste environmental minds are not addressing, at least not in a way other recyclables are treated. Every year the US produces over 25 billion tons of textile waste, largely due to consumers embrace of the fast fashion market.

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Healing Rescue Heroes

It’s obvious that first responders face a world of stress and anxiety. We need to keep our rescue heroes in mind, and surround them with support, love, and grace. While many people have heard of the psychological toll of combat, few realize PTSD’s devastating impact on first responders—fire fighters, police, and emergency service workers—whose suicide rates have been steadily climbing.

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Some people you trust immediately, yet with others you feel apprehension. The innocence of a newborn is tangible. It elicits immediate feelings in the observer of compassion, love and you just want to come up and look, even at a stranger’s newborn. In the grocery store, you’d walk up and speak to someone you’d never consider otherwise, “What a beautiful baby”, you say, your heart full of emotion.

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