Supporting our efforts through sponsorship, ads and donations, continues the good work we’ve started here.
Publishing a site like GreenBrevard takes huge amounts of sustained effort. Since 2004, we’ve done our best to shine a light on people and organizations doing good things in our local community–Florida’s Space Coast.
Sponsoring GreenBrevard provides Search and Visibility. This site is built on Google AMP and dialed into SEO. We would love to help you reach more people in a positive light.
Our site is currently filled with Google AdSense, but we’d much rather promote you. We help design and craft ads, landing pages, and campaigns here on our site, but also for your continued use. Content must fit our mission.
- Ad size is 300px wide by 360px tall.
- Rate is $40/month, $80/3 months, $120/6 months and $240/12 months.
Profile Article*
We create an article all about you and publish it on our site(s). Adding a photo gallery or having us out to photograph you, we create a body of work that you can fully use.
- Profile includes About Us content, with link, phone and address.
- Profile includes 200-600 word article on the products and services you provide.
- Profile includes posting 1-12 photos (which you provide).
- Your article is posted on this site and you can provide future edits.
- Rate is $240 and we are available for photography and graphic design at additional cost.
Interview Article**
We love to provide interviews. They give you an opportunity to promote all you do, in your words.
- Interviews are usually 400-1000 words, 2000 words max. You can edit to your satisfaction.
- Profile includes posting 1-12 photos (which you provide).
- Your article (and video) is posted on this site and you can provide future edits.
- Rate is $360. Add a video and podcast for $480 more.
Contact us for more info.
Sponsor Us
Add your Logo
When you sponsor us, we add your logo to all of our article pages, under the “Sponsors” tag on the right side of our site. Sponsor logos are posted on a monthly basis. Sponsor us for a year, and we’ll add a Profile Article* (a $240 value) at no cost.
- Logo size is 300px wide by 100px tall.
- Rate is $60/month, $120/3 months, $180/6 months and $360/12 months.
Contact us to add your logo.
Site Underwriter
We have space for one Site Underwriter logo to be placed in the footer of every page.
Underwrite us for a year, and we’ll add an Interview Article** (a $360 value) at no cost.
- Site underwriter logo is also 300px wide by 100px tall.
- Rate is $120/month, $240/3 months, $360/6 months and $720/12 months.
Contact us for more information.
Support our efforts. If you like what we’re doing, donate to our work. We appreciate your support and it helps us to do more locally.
* Please note, GreenBrevard is produced and published by Longbow Strategic Group, Inc., a for-profit marketing and communications agency, based in Melbourne, FL, USA.
** Donations to us are not tax-deductible.
*** Through GreenBrevard, we promote people and organizations doing great things in our community.
Send us articles, stories and photos
Send us articles about people and organizations doing good things. GreenBrevard publishes positive news, highlighting people, organizations, products and best practices.
Contact Us to submit articles for consideration.
Send us your press releases
Our site has helped spread the word to people who care about the future of our community since 2004. Add us to your media list and we’ll consider the content for an article.
Contact Us to submit articles for consideration.
DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to not publish articles and content that does not fit our mission, or notions of what this site should be.
For more information, visit our Mission