Passover and Messiah

The theme of redemption is central to the Feast of Passover—as Israel was set free from 400 years of slavery.

Both Jews and Christians can agree that Passover prophetically points to another level of redemption to come. It’s a pattern that foreshadows God’s redeeming of all people and the end of the age.

The uncanny connection of the Apocalypse and Passover.  - What is God's purpose in the Plagues?

As we read the Old and New testaments (Tanakh and B’rit Hadasha), we can see many parallels, foreshadowing of things to come.

Abraham sacrificing Isaac relates to God giving his only begotten son, Jesus (Yeshua). —Genesis 22:1-18

Joseph in Egypt compares to Messiah. Beloved of his father, foretold he would rule, envied and hated, rejected and condemned, resisted temptation, falsely accused, numbered with transgressors, reconciled and saved his people. —Genesis 37-45

Boaz the kinsman redeemer, saving Ruth is a picture to come of Messiah, rescuing and marrying Israel. Boaz honors and keeps the law, and pays the price to redeem Ruth. —Ruth 4:1-17

Messiah would be the Passover Lamb

In Exodus, the tenth plague, the death of the first born relates that to be saved, the blood of a lamb was painted on the doorposts of the home. —Exodus 11:1-10

Likewise the blood of the lamb was shed to save all who believe and call on His name. John (Yochanan) writes, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. —John 1:29

As one man brought sin into the world, with Adam, God sent one to redeem us. The wages of sin are death. Biblical worship demanded that sacrifices be made, the blood of bulls and rams, lamb and doves to atone for sin. The new covenant, one, unblemished lamb, Messiah, was slain, to atone for the sins of all.

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (Source: wikipedia,org)

Redemption to Come

Most followers of Jesus (Yeshua) have come to know the amazing prophecies of Passover fulfilled in our Messiah’s first coming, but did you know that the Passover also speaks of the return of our Messiah and the trials of the End Times?

Discover these amazing connections that speak of the future redemption to come most of all discover the purpose of God in the Plagues. This Passover season is a great time of Gospel opportunity for us in Israel. Pray for us and learn how your can join us to bring the Light of the Gospel to Israel in this season of redemption!

ONE FOR ISRAEL is an initiative of native-born Israelis on the forefront of high-tech media evangelism, proclaiming salvation to Israel, raising up spiritual leaders through ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College and equipping them with the tools they need to transform our communities.

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