
Florida’s Hydrogen Road Map

The State of Florida is taking big, first steps in the direction of Hydrogen to fuel our transportation needs. Last month we mentioned two amazing news articles that signal the start of something wonderful. Imagine a world where we rarely use gas or an internal combustion engine. With concerns over global warming, climate change and pollution, the use of Hydrogen over oil is 25 years late… but is certainly welcomed.

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Greenbiz is the leading information resource on how to align environmental responsibility with business success. A wealth of news, jobs, infromation, tolls and resources –all free! There’s simply nothing like it–on or off the web.

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Earth Day Network

April 22nd, 2005 is the 35th Anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day, which began in 1970, is now celebrated by millions of people worldwide. This year is its 35th anniversary, and around the world, hundreds of thousands of nongovernmental organizations, governments, teachers, and faith-based groups, among others, are making plans to declare that they are part of something extraordinary: a worldwide movement to protect our planet, our children, and our future.

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