Florida’s Future is a Choice.
How we choose to build that future is up to us. To address just that, and promote sustainable building and more responsible development, Florida’s Green Building Coalition was formed. And to get the word out, the FGBC presents Green Trends 2005 from May 25-27, 2005 in Sarasota.
GreenTrends 2005 is an annual, Florida focused, conference and tradeshow for those involved in or interested in the green building movement that is spreading throughout the building industry. The conference serves as a forum for bringing together those businesses, organizations and individuals involved in the many aspects of green building, and provides them with an opportunity to keep up-to-date on the various green building related programs, projects, standards, incentives, resources, technologies, and new materials that are available.

The conference, organized by the non-profit Florida Green Building Coalition is a forum for businesses, organizations, government agencies, and individuals interested or involved in providing Florida with a better built environment in which to live and work.
The Theme for this years Conference is “Building a Green Florida Together” and will explore how we can all work together to better promote green building in our state and help resolve some of the confusion over all of the green building standards, guidelines, and incentive programs that are now available. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the economic and environmental benefits of building green from a variety of experts in the field. The conference, which includes a trade show that is open to the public, will provide all the latest information on green building materials specifically designed for Florida’s climate.
Bill Gregory, Director of Sustainable Strategies for the Floor Covering Division of Milliken & Company, will be the opening keynote speaker for the event. The title for his presentation is “Transitioning to a Green Future.” Drawing from first hand experiences, he addresses the challenges of achieving consensus in setting sustainable standards and implementing green practices.
Allan F. Bedwell, Deputy Secretary Regulatory Programs and Energy for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, will be the Awards Banquet keynote speaker.
John Moran, Florida nature photographer, will also present his award winning presentation “Journal of Light: The Visual Diary of a Florida Nature Photographer.”
A number of related events are being held in conjunction with GreenTrends 2005.
On Wednesday May 25 there will be a free Rebuild America Workshop on “Greening Affordable Housing.” Also, tours of local green projects in the Sarasota area will take place on May 27, immediately following the conference.
The Sarasota Efest and the First Annual Florida Green Building Open Golf Tournament are taking place on May 28 and May 29, providing participants with an informational and fun-filled weekend. Details on all these events are available on the GreenTrends 2005 website.
Attend GreenTrends if you want to
- Learn about economic and environmental benefits of building green.
- Find out why leading developers and builders are adopting “Green”.
- Learn about the new statewide “Florida Green Building Program” and its Green Building Standards for Florida Homes, Developments, Commercial Buildings, and Counties and Cities.
- Discover the latest in green building materials and talk with experts, manufacturers, and marketers of products for the Florida climate.
- Hear what local governments are doing to establish green practices throughout their agencies and departments.
- Learn about current and projected green building projects throughout Florida.
- Meet and socialize with the leaders of the green building movement.
Who’s Going to Be There?
Builders, Developers, Land Planners, Architects & Engineers, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Realtors, Energy Raters, Ecologists, Educators, Green Building Product Manufacturers and Marketers, Local and State Government Officials, Environmental Consultants, Urban Designers, Utility Representatives, School Officials and Planning Staff.
Conference Program Topics
- Understanding the various Green Building and Sustainable Development Standards,Guidelines and Certification Programs offered in Florida.
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection Programs – SunBuilt Gold, SunSmart Schools, Front Porch Sunshine, and Green Lodging.
- The Water Champ Program
- Resource Efficient Communities Program
- Marketing Green Homes and Developments
- Florida Green Local Government Designation Standard
- Benefits & Cost of Building Green
- USGBC LEED and FGBC Green Commercial Building Designations
- Green Affordable Housing for Florida: The Green Communities Initiative
- Green Home Certifying Challenges
- Latest Technologies for Green Compliance
- Green Interior Design Standard for Florida
- Green Homes and Buildings Showcase
Visit the Florida Green Building Coalition at https://www.floridagreenbuilding.org
For more information on GreenTrends, visit http://www.greentrends.org/