Alternative Fuel


Homegrown Biodiesel

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services is assisting Florida farmers and ranchers in producing bio-fuel crops to help reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign oil. Commissioner Bronson believes that Florida can be a leader in the effort of producing energy from crops and timber because of the vast amount of farm acreage in the state and its mild climate, which permits crops to be grown virtually year round.

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Plug-In Hybrids Get 100+ mpg

The growing costs of U.S. dependence on oil have hit home. Factor in world insecurity, economic instability, and it’s clear we pay a lot more to fill up our cars than the price on the pump. And with the threat of global warming, it’s clear we need to use much less oil. How can we start to change?
The century-old gasoline-powered engine is on its way out. Auto makers say the answer will someday be fuel cell cars. Maybe, but we need to get affordable cars now that use far less gas with lower greenhouse gas emissions.

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Florida’s Hydrogen Road Map

The State of Florida is taking big, first steps in the direction of Hydrogen to fuel our transportation needs. Last month we mentioned two amazing news articles that signal the start of something wonderful. Imagine a world where we rarely use gas or an internal combustion engine. With concerns over global warming, climate change and pollution, the use of Hydrogen over oil is 25 years late… but is certainly welcomed.

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