
Zero Motorcycles are the (Electric) Bomb

I’ve been watching the electric vehicle market since we started GreenBrevard in 2004, and these guys have caught my eye for almost as long. Brilliant designs, electric-powered, and a company that’s stood the test of time.

Zero Motorcycles SR/F Tech

What are the benefits and differences in riding a green bike vs. one that’s gas powered?


Electric is fast, blinding fast off the line—torque, is an amazing thing. Add the lighter weight of a Zero Motorcycle, when compared to a gas engine, and you get one brilliant ride.


There are some clear advantages to going electric: no need to visit the gas station, no oil, and no exhaust.

In addition, there are a host of benefits experienced by Zero owners on a regular basis that are not as obvious. Behind the design of each cutting edge model is a philosophy of elegant simplicity that keeps the weight of the motorcycle low, virtually eliminates all routine powertrain maintenance and yields stealthy acceleration. The result is an incredibly exhilarating ride and an ownership experience that appreciates mile after mile.

Zero Motorcycle’s SR/S Street Machine

Maintenance (or lack thereof)


Cost of ownership for any vehicle is a huge expense, but, maintenance over time for an electric bike is minimal.

All Zero motorcycles feature a direct drive, maintenance-free powertrain. As an incredibly efficient system, direct drive channels power directly from the motor to the rear wheel via a strong and silent, constant tension belt. Not only does direct drive minimize friction loss by eliminating clutches and gears, but it also helps eliminate the need for routine powertrain maintenance and reduces the weight of the motorcycle.

All Zero motorcycles feature a direct drive, maintenance-free powertrain. As an incredibly efficient system, direct drive channels power directly from the motor to the rear wheel via a strong and silent, constant tension belt. Not only does direct drive minimize friction loss by eliminating clutches and gears, but it also helps eliminate the need for routine powertrain maintenance and reduces the weight of the motorcycle.

They list the Top 15 Things you’ll never do again:

  • Buy Gas
  • Check Engine Oil
  • Change the Oil
  • Change an Oil Filter
  • Change an Air Filter
  • Change a Fuel Filter
  • Check or Replace Fuel Hoses
  • Replace a Clutch
  • Adjust Clutch Cables
  • Check Clutch Fluid
  • Replace Spark Plugs
  • Replace a Timing Belt
  • Sync Throttle and Idle Speed
  • Lube Choke Cables
  • Adjust Valve Clearances

Cost of Ownership

As a premium brand, Zero designs each motorcycle with the sort of quality and integrity that inspires an exceptional riding experience.

Beyond that, the upfront cost of a Zero is not what it appears to be when compared against its traditional internal combustion counterparts. Each mile ridden on a Zero is considerably less expensive, due to the elimination of routine powertrain maintenance and no gas expenses.

As it turns out, when compared to other premium brands, a Zero starts saving the owner money on gas and maintenance from day one. In fact, over the life of their motorcycle many Zero owners actually save more than they would have if they had purchased a comparable internal combustion model.

So, are electric bikes more expensive than their gas-powered relatives? The short answer is yes and Zero Motorcycles are premium bikes.

But the longer answer is, when you count the cost of the rising price of gas and maintenance over time, things even out. And if you care about noise and air quality, it makes riding a Zero Motorcycle a no-brainer.

If you’re looking for a fun, hassle-free commuter that goes, do yourself a favor and look at Zero Motorcycles.

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