
Southface Energy Institute is an amazing resource on all things green. In the southeast US, they are the go-to people, instrumental in bringing sustainable practices to our region.

Dennis Creech, Executive Director, relates, “Since 1978, Southface has helped people save energy and water and conserve natural resources. Southface’s programs and services are based on sound science and are inclusive of all members of our community. These programs and services reached about 40,000 people last year, and our media impressions exceeded 200 million. None of our accomplishments would have been possible without the support of our members and others in nonprofit, foundation, corporate and government sectors. “

Southface has spent the last 25 years helping architects, homebuilders, homeowners and other residential construction professionals incorporate earth-friendly building practices into everyday lives. Every year, hundreds visit the Southface Energy and Environmental Resource Center — a model home in downtown Atlanta that showcases more than 100 “real-world” solutions for environmental living.

As a result, thousands of housing professionals and consumers across the Southeast have learned how to live cleaner, healthier, “greener” lives. Because Southface made it easy to understand and adopt environmental models, these people are now serving as models for others.

Now, Southface has begun to apply its considerable track record and expertise to the commercial building arena. While commercial buildings have a major impact on Atlanta’s environment, their owners, developers and design and construction professionals are often unaware of proven, cost effective ideas for saving energy, water and other natural resources. They often believe that only large buildings can afford to be resource efficient, healthy and environmentally sustainable. Yet, over 70 percent of new commercial buildings are less than 10,000 square feet in size.

Adjacent to its current demonstration home, Southface will construct a new Eco Office which will showcase state-of-the-art energy, water and waste-reducing features, all of which are economical and market-ready, and many of which are manufactured right here in Georgia. This new building — and everything in it — will help make “green building” a reality for Atlanta’s office buildings, hotels, event spaces and more.

Southface promotes sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, research, advocacy and technical assistance.

At Southface online, you’ll find easy ways to save energy, conserve water and preserve the environment. Whether you’re searching for tips, registering for an educational course or hoping to become more involved in our ongoing programs, we’re glad you’re interested in our work.

Visit often to find out about upcoming events, and remember that your membership enables us to bring you these valuable resources.
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