Florida’s Green Budget

Florida’s new budget sets aside $2 billion for Everglades, beach restoration, land conservation and water improvement. Wow. Florida is an amazing place to be. The state of our environment is critical to so many industries. From tourism to agriculture, quality of life in the sunshine state remains a priority, and the new budget shows that Talahassee sees the connection.

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Sea Turtle Ranger Program

This month, the turtle walk program at Sebastian Inlet State Park broke an all-time, nightly record. Recent participants of the Sebastian Inlet State Park “Turtle Walk” made history by witnessing the magic of a loggerhead turtle lay her eggs on the same night that a leatherback and green turtle beached themselves to lay their eggs. The nesting of the leatherback was a record breaking eighth nest of its kind within the park this year.

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Driving Green

According to the US EPA, every gallon of gasoline your vehicle burns puts 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and contributes to global warming. If you drive a vehicle uses gasoline, or any fossil fuel, then you can play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change. You can reduce (or offset) the effect your driving has on the environment by supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gases anywhere in the world, and effectively make your vehicle “Greenhouse Gas Neutral”.

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