Industry Partnership Program

How to you help spread the word about green building? How can professionals work together and adopt best practices, products and materials? By working together, of course.

The importance of industry partnerships has long been a strategic cornerstone of the Community Greenhouse Foundation (CGF), helping to fulfill our mission. CGF exists to raise awareness about sustainable development and smart growth. We work to facilitate and speed the adoption of green-building best practices, products and materials.

As we identify and work with leaders in the sustainable marketplace, we help transfer knowledge and expertise to other professionals, government, private sector and non profit entities. CGF utilizes partnership programs in the educational demonstration projects that it supports.

The foundation receives inquiries daily from projects across the county for guidance and referrals of qualified professionals and products that are available to work or be utilized on their projects. The foundation also issues RFPs and RFQs and may serve as the Green Manager for projects it commits to support.

How the Program Works

Complete the appropriate registration form for your company and foundation staff will contact you to begin establishing a referral file for your company. This includes as much detailed information about your firm that you want to supply. The information is then used to match your firm with projects and requests. Industry Partner companies name and location are displayed on the Foundation web site and entered into our search data base to provide easy access to customers who are in search of qualified “Sustainable Green” services and products for their projects. Industry Partnership Program participants also receive first mailing and releases of all foundation issued RFPs and RFQs. The foundation will facilitate the assigning of $45 million of resources in the years 2005-2007. All of the foundation projects are considered high visibility educational demonstration projects that will facilitate the growth of Green Building.

Cost to Enroll in the Program

There is no charge to enroll your company in the Industry Partnership Program or to have your company name and address listed on the Foundation Web site. A company can donate $250 annually to the foundation and for your support we will upgrade your listing on our web site to include your company’s logo and a direct link to your company web site. Your donation helps defer the cost of managing the Industry Partnership Program.

CGF Facilitated Green Buildings and Communities

A Unique Business Model

The Community Greenhouse Foundation was established in 1995 as the Industry Education Alliance in a partnership with the National Home Builders Association. The mission to create partnerships between industry, education and the construction industry was fulfilled with highly acclaimed programs. In 2002, the importance of Green Sustainable Development for the future of America was identified as a priority. The foundation’s primary goal is to heighten the awareness, serve as a resource and promote projects that will demonstrate the benefits of sustainable development and green building.

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Post Facto: Community Greenhouse Foundation is no longer in operation.

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