Florida’s DEP, Department of Environmental Protection, announces some amazing grants. The Executive Office of the Governor is accepting proposals for grant funding under the 2008 Florida Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Technologies Grants Program. This program provides renewable energy matching grants for demonstration, commercialization, research, and development projects relating to renewable energy technologies and innovative technologies that significantly increase energy efficiency for vehicles and commercial buildings.

Florida imports almost all of our energy, despite being bathed in sunshine, and even being called the “Sunshine State”.
As I ponder what 700 billion dollars even means, given the recent Federal “bail-out”, I start to do some math. Did you realize that we could put a solar water heater on every residential roof in America for under $700bn?
And according to the Florida Solar Energy Center, “A solar water heater should save between 50 percent and 85 percent of the hot water portion of the monthly utility bill, or $200 to $300 per year for a family of four, if the backup element is kept at 122° F.”
Currently the State of Florida also offers tax incentives to help people make the initial purchase. Sorry, I got lost on a tangent… back to the grant program:
Categories include $7 million dollars for Renewable Energy & Energy-Efficient Technologies and $8m for Bioenergy Technologies. Application deadline is November 20, 2008.
This article is preserved for historic reasons and not a current program of FDEP.
For more information visit https://floridadep.gov/about-dep