The Diocese of Orlando has operated Catholic Charities in Brevard County for over 40 years, to assist the community in fulfilling, in a planned and effective way, the work of serving those in need. We are an instrument of concern and action.
We maintain our integrity as a church institution by becoming the expression of genuine concern of the Christian people for those who suffer. A deep respect for the individual’s dignity, capacity for self-help, and freedom characterize all of the Christian’s efforts to assist those in need, regardless of race, creed, color, or sex.

Catholic Charities services all of Brevard County. Through the development of a network of church social ministry programs we have expanded our effectiveness throughout the entire county. We also service South Brevard, with our satellite counseling office in Melbourne, and by providing basic needs in Palm Bay on Fridays.
Catholic Charities’ target populations are those individuals and families who lack the basic necessities of life and who are not financially able to obtain and benefit from professional counseling.
In addition to our counseling program and Family Emergency Assistance Program, Catholic Charities offers an Adoption Program and case management services. The Adoption Program has been licensed by the State of Florida since 1963. Our Adoption staff assesses couples that are seeking to adopt a child. We also work closely with the birth parents as they explore adoption as an option. The child’s best interest is always the prime consideration when making adoption decisions. Catholic Charities also provides a program for birth parent and adoptee searches and facilitates reunions when requested. Catholic Charities, for the second year will be the fiscal intermediary for the Choose Life License plate funds ($18K). This brings much needed money for basic needs for pregnant women choosing adoption. Five Brevard agencies have formed the Choose Life Committee, which decides how best to spend the monies.
Case management, a highly successful program, is a service we offer to clients looking for assistance with utility bills. A case manager also staffs the weekly Our Lady of Grace Soup Kitchen in South Brevard and works closely with faith based social services programs. The service also includes assessing a client’s situation and offering information and referrals. This is done in person or over the phone. Our goal is to break the cycle of dependence and to develop long-term solutions.Catholic Charities offers In-Services to faith-based programs three times a year and has recently developed the Helping Hands Network as a means to pool faith based resources.
Catholic Charities is a not for profit and is always in the need of monetary donations, food, and volunteers to help meet the needs of our community.
For more information, contact Paul Seitz
321.636.6144 tel • or email • visit