Brevard county recently launched a new section of their website that talks about the environment and all the good things the Space Coast has going for it. It’s no secret that we love Brevard county. We have so many aspects of our community that is unique.
Our geography and location is set in an amazingly diverse ecosystem that makes where we live special. Our spot on the Atlantic makes Brevard a haven for sea turtles, porpoise, and a huge assortment of sea and bird life. Past our stretches of beaches and all that provides us, our location on the intracoastal waterway, the Banana and Indian Rivers is also amazing–the Indian River Estuary is unique in the world for diversity of life found there. Mainland Brevard is connected to huge tracts of undeveloped land that stretches to Orlando and Kissimee. And then we have the St. John’s River and all it connects to. The richness of our county is staggering, especially considering how untouched much of it is.
And this new section of the site reveals all this and more.

The Explore section of the site shines a light on all the places you can go to discover the Real Florida. From our EEL (Environmentally Endangered Land) Sanctuaries, to state, national and country park properties, this section can keep you busy for months. The more we all use and explore these facilities, the greater our affinity for Brevard becomes. Our county is an amazing caretaker of these places. From clean facilities at the beach to places to ride your mountain bike, amazing spots to see birds and wildlife, boat ramps and great places for your dog, the value and impact of these facilities defines Brevard and the quality of life residents and tourists alike seek out. If you aren’t enjoying these places, then you are missing out.
In the Learn section of the site, they provide abundant resources ranging from county initiative and programs to what plants grow better. A great resource for homeowners, find information on energy conservation, saving water, hurricane preparedness and landscaping tips. Stormwater and waste management links cover best practices to contact information.
And last, in the Sustain area, you’ll find an excellent gathering of resources to help you recycle, prevent pollution, manage energy and water use, transportation issues and more.
To close, I am really excited to see the county provide great information. Rather than trying to keep our favorite park a secret, we need to share this stuff, get outside and appreciate all we have going for us. Kudos to Betsy Franz for her work getting all this great information online. The mission of GreenBrevard is to shine a light on people and organizations doing good things in the Space Coast. Get active, help make your little corner of our county a little greener.
Click here to visit the Brevard County Environment site.