
Act Locally

Think Globally, Act Locally

The Sea Turtle Preservation Society continues its lecture series “Think Globally; Act Locally” on February 5, 2009, at 7:30 PM, at the Melbourne Beach Community Center, Melbourne Beach, Florida. The doors open at 7:00 PM and refreshments will be served. The meeting is open to the public.

Beach clean-ups is the topic of the day and we have several speakers representing great local organizations to give us a state of the beach, share stories, and illustrate how we can gather as a community to make our beaches more beautiful.

Keep Brevard Beautiful Beach Clean-Up

Our guest lecturers are Barbara Venuto and John Weber of Keep Brevard Beautiful. The topic of their presentation is “Litter, the Good, Bad, and Ugly.”

Barbara Venuto is the Environmental Programs Coordinator for the Great American Cleanup (Trash Bash, St Johns River) Group cleanups, Adopt-A-Road & Shore Programs, Litter Hotline, Litter Index, Xeriscape Beautification Grants, and compiles monthly reports. Her talk is about the community cleanups results and overall data seen.

John Weber , Beach Program Coordinator, administers the Criminal CAS Community Service Beach Cleanup Program. As the Volunteer Coordinator and Coordinator for Student Community Service, Mr. Weber is on the beach almost every day cleaning up. He will talk of the his experiences with umbrellas, towels and other finds.
They will also share information about other Keep Brevard Programs.

Sea Turtle Preservation Society

STPS is a local all volunteer organization that works to help Sea Turtles survive. They perform turtle and marine rescue, education, community awareness and host the Turtle Krawl 5k Walk and Run.

For more information, contact Brandon Smith, Media Relations Chair

Keep Brevard Beautiful

KBB gathers a small volunteer army for street and beach cleanups, pepper eradication, and their sponsor a road campaign. Connected to national Keep America Beautiful, they are one of the most active and longest running program in the US. The Space Coast is a unique place.


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