In 2007 we helped create a series of expos in South Florida, promoting all things green. We were at the expo, and wow, what a crowd. I can feel myself getting greener by the minute. Working on our Get Green Directory, I’m familiar with many of the exhibitors, but being here is a different story. Getting to meet the vendors and guests was a lot of fun. 🙂
Smell the coffee, I’m drinking a cup of ReishiGo. I love coffee and they tell me this cup is healthy for me. Tastes yummy. Did Tamara tell me it has mushrooms in it? Their site says that Reishi, is rich in antioxidants, supports the immune system, helps to eliminate body toxins and balances body functions. Is there caffeine is this?

Zenn Motors
It was my claim to fame that we helped get Zenn Motors to attend our three expos in South Florida in 2007. By doing so, we transformed a 40 table top expo in a hotel into a fun experience, complete with rides in the latest electric neighborhood vehicles.

We hmet up with Rhett, from Stuart Motors and finally got to drive a Zenn, after speaking with them for months prior. I thought it would drive like a golf cart, but it performed much better. It was fun. Peppy, it got right up to speed (25mph) and handled corners just fine. It’s more than a toy, though definitely not a car replacement.
Zenn is billed as a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle with top speed of 25mph. It’s not supposed to replace your mini van.
My kids and mom joined us for spins around the Palm Beach Airport Hilton’s parking lot, where we had this first expo. As my two boys jumped in excitedly. The expo, the Zenn, it’s up to us to care about what we’re leaving for the next generation. For some, this low speed electric is a perfect fit. I could see Zenn taking to the roads on campus, golf, or retirement communities.
Working with the team from Zenn was a ball, and they let me drive one through the Hotel to the garage for loading, which made for a surreal experience.
Enjoy this brutally sarcastic interview that picks on the Zenn. It made me laugh, but we loved it.

Get Green Today Expo
Across from me, Cathy, Tamara and Tashaah from Nikken have turned me on to some amazing water, a massage and a gruvy magnet chair. Pi-Mag Water, (Pi = Living and the mag stands for magnetized) is a system that purifies water and adds minerals and alkaline, for balanced pH, creating the perfect water. Nikken’s core philosophy focuses on improving circulation with their amazing sleep system. Massage, excellent water all removes toxins and improves blood flow.
Tashaah from Shaa’s Hands, explains, her massages focus on the circulatory system, increasing blood flow, which removes toxins from the body and increases oxygen intake. This doesn’t feel like work.
Other exhibitors included a recycling display from Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach and water conservation from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). They manage and protect regional water resources by balancing and improving water quality, flood control, natural systems and water supply.
Natural Soap Formulas makes bio-based, green, cleaning products for people who care about their health, their family and their environment. Their products are especially helpful for people who are immune compromised, chemically sensitive or hyper-allergenic.
Loxahatchee Sierra Club had a great exhibit and promoted an initiative to conserve environmentally sensitive land and better manage development. The 3,000 member group does an amazing job getting people outdoors with regular outings that include kayaking, hiking, canoeing, camping, and snorkeling. Their slogan, “protecting America’s environment for our families, for our future” says it all.
If you missed this expo, meet us in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami these next few weeks.
Post Facto: In hindsight, the price for the ZENN was just a bridge too far. We cheered for them and hoped to see electric cars be adopted sooner, but are thankful for the Toyota Prius, Honda, Ford, Chevrolet Volt, and Tesla for making electric cars a reality.
Visit and go see the Zenn Motors site at
See our story on Get Green Expo here.
Though these companies no longer exist, Longbow and GreenBrevard still promote sustainability. Contact Eric to promote your event at