Want to discover the real Florida? Most people’s idea of Florida is Disney World. Until you experience the great outdoors, you really have no concept of what Florida is all about. The remarkable diversity of our state takes a lifetime to appreciate. From beach to marsh, forests to sand hills, the breadth, width and scale is hard to take all in.
The Florida Trail is am amazing network of trails, that cover the state from top to bottom. We’re talking about 1500 miles of trails, all maintained by volunteers.
Explore the Florida Trail

Walk the Trail
The Florida Trail is probably less than an hour’s drive from your locations, anywhere in the state. Perfect for day trips, you can usually start in a Florida park near you. Some of the more adventurists among us, walk the entire trail—they call themselves, Thru-Hikers.
Central Region
Circling conservation areas around the Greater Orlando Metro Region, the Florida Trail splits into its Eastern and Western corridors. Travel through palmetto and pine flatwoods, creek side hammocks, rolling sandhills and floodplain forests.
Visit this site for great images along the FT, https://ft.smugmug.com/

The Florida National Scenic Trail is a congressionally designated National Scenic Trail. The USDA Forest Service is the administrator of the Florida Trail, charged with planning routes, overseeing development and establishing partnerships to complete the trail. The trail is approximately 1,500-miles long and is intended to offer a continuous, permanent non-motorized recreation opportunity for hiking and other compatible activities. Over its length, it showcases the incredible biodiversity, history, and rich culture of Florida. Its termini lie in Gulf Islands National Seashore to the North and Big Cypress National Preserve in the South.
For more info, visit https://www.floridatrail.org/
Volunteer at https://www.floridatrail.org/volunteer/volunteeropportunities/