Of all the challenges facing organizational leaders today, the biggest may be engaging and motivating people to embrace the organization’s mission and vision of the future. We all know the difference between staff who are punching the clock and biding their time and those who come prepared to be part of a team that is building something great. How do we get people to see that future and want to be a part of it? It comes down to communication.
Sharing stories about things that really matter, one of the oldest and most personal forms of communication, has an extraordinary effect on people. Rather than telling them the point, it shows them. Rather than merely informing, it inspires. It’s no accident that the people we’ve worked with have seen a marked difference in the attitudes and behavior of the people who work for them. In fact, we chose the name StoryWork Institute, because the bottom line is: stories work.
Storytelling can transform you, your friendships, your family and work experience—the way you view your past, your present and your future. Through this ancient art, translated into the language of modern life in two books by Richard Stone, founder of the StoryWork Institute, you’ll find a new enthusiasm; discover a deeper sense of integrity, purpose and direction; and, perhaps see the story of your life in a new light.

The Healing Art of Storytelling, is considered by many to be one of the best in the field.
Richard’s other book, Stories: The Family Legacy, used by healthcare and hospice professionals across the country, also has been republished recently by StoryWork Institute Press, and is available on the StoryWork Institute website as well.
Here’s what people are saying about The Healing Art of Storytelling
“Beautifully written, insightful and practical, a book for every storyteller and the storyteller in everyone.” — Allan B. Chinen, M.D., Author of Waking the World and Beyond the Hero
“[Richard Stone] invites us on a rich adventure: To tell the smaller stories of our lives with exquisite precision, that we, ourselves, through the telling, may become larger and spacious, full of grace.” — Wayne Muller, Author of How, Then, Shall We Live? and Legacy of the Heart
“This is the storyteller’s workshop and cookbook, but more than that it shows the deep motivator and the healer of wounded hearts and souls at work in an effective and salvational manner . . . A most helpful book and a good read.” — Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Author of The Dream Assembly and From Age-ing to Sage-ing
Call (407) 599-0101, email rstone@storywork.com or visit their site at storywork.com