
One Simple Step to Saving Gas

Three dollar gas is impacting the American psyche, but in ways you’d never have expected. You might think we’d see dramatic changes in the way we live and drive, yet the opposite is true. Instead of market price slowing consumption, the price must still not be high enough the make anyone second guess their driving habits. I’m shocked. Despite almost four thousand dead US servicemen and women, despite rising gas, despite world economic climate, the price of gas does not seem to be openly effecting us. And drivers where I live aren’t slowing down.

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Conserve Your World

Conservation begins with you, and the things that you do every day at home! The word “conservation” is used a lot these days, especially when it comes to fuel, money, savings, and energy. Sometimes the word has negative connotations because people immediately think they have to do without something. But, according to The American Heritage Dictionary, conservation doesn’t mean doing without — it means “the act or process of conserving — carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste.”

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