DEP helps state government offices protect the environment, save money
Working to provide more opportunities for environmental stewardship, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is partnering with the Department of Management Services (DMS) to establish a statewide recycling program for State office buildings. White office paper and corrugated cardboard will soon be collected and recycled from all State offices in the Tallahassee area.
“The State can now enjoy both the environmental and financial benefits generated from recycling office supplies,” said DEP Secretary Colleen M. Castille. “With a program in place at State office buildings, paper and cardboard materials can be recycled and reused by State employees.”
In February 2005, a State Purchasing Agreement for recycling services was awarded to the Leon County Solid Waste Department. The agreement established a process for recycling sorted white office paper and corrugated cardboard generated at State office buildings.
In the upcoming months, the program will spread to encompass all State-owned buildings in Tallahassee. Paper and cardboard recovered by the Leon County Solid Waste Department will be used in the manufacturing of recycled content paper and paper products. In addition to its positive impact on the environment, the program benefits the State by reducing disposal costs and generating revenue from the sales of these recovered materials.
Since April 2002 more than 450 tons of white office paper have been collected and recycled from State offices in the capital area. This is roughly equivalent to saving 7,650 trees, 1.85 million kilowatts of energy and 3.2 million gallons of water.
DEP’s Tallahassee offices have instituted a variety of programs to recycle and reuse office paper, aluminum, cardboard, printer cartridges, compact discs, cell phones and pagers. Last year, DEP employees recycled 466 pounds of batteries, including 152 pounds of lead acid batteries and close to 25 pounds of rechargeable batteries.
April is Earth Month, a month of efforts to increase environmental awareness and stewardship. Celebrate the 35th annual Earth Day on April 22 by participating in events in your area.

In addition to recycling programs at State office buildings, the State also offers tips to reduce waste, conserve energy and purchase products made from recyclable materials. To learn more about how the State is ‘greening’ Florida’s government visit
It takes only a little effort to recycle your enterprise’s paper products and the will to buy more (or only) recycled products. Tallahassee and DEP just made a huge effort, but it doesn’t need to stop there.
How much paper runs through your office?
Even our small business goes through a ream of paper here and there every week. It’s great to see state government leading the charge, but those of us in the business community recognize that what we do has huge impact, even beyond that of our paper-pushing, paperwork-loving state and federal government.
Help influence the purchasing decisions of your enterprise, step up to the plate and make your organization a better steward.
(Source: Florida DEP)