The Heart Truth
Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women. Participate in National Wear Red Day on the first Friday in February and help raise awareness.
Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women. Participate in National Wear Red Day on the first Friday in February and help raise awareness.
Ethics seems to be a complicated subject for many. I define it simply as the “long view.” When I care about my workplace, my employer, my client, myself and others, when I think about my future, I choose the long view.
Like most teens, I immersed myself in the world of music as a 15-year old. I delved into the previous generation’s classic rock, and enjoyed the contemporary flavors of heavy metal and Top 40 pop as well.
We are hard-wired for community. Despite wherever we find ourselves upon the extraverted-introverted continuum, there is a basic and powerful element fused within our emotional DNA that seeks meaningful connections.
The Life of Teamwork Read More »
Writing this in the midst of the nasty and passionate general election season, I remember my political coming of age of 12 years ago-or perhaps it is better described as a political balancing act. I was extremely naïve as a young person and a college student, seeing society, politics, government, social needs, and so forth through a narrow prism, colored and shaped by limited exposure to homogeneous reading material and editorialists in the flesh and in the press.
Saved by Journalism Read More »
Every morning we ride our bikes with our son to school. Sometimes we skate, or even walk. You probably see us as you drive by and think we’re nuts, or that have too much time on our hands. I see you pass by and wonder why you haven’t figured out our secret!
Don’t settle for mere existence—embrace the grace of the story you’ve been given to live. Strive to see that all you do is integrated and balanced into a cohesive, intentional whole, but along the way don’t forget to be relaxed about it.
Strep throat was consuming my health, my awareness, my movements. Yet, the actor in me knew the show must go on.
Media and art for years now have sought to shock us and bombard us into paying attention. To rise above the noise and hype, artists and venues have resorted to what the many call “negative art,” using tactics that scare us into paying attention. Ads that show a burly thief breaking into your home, threatening your family, selling alarm systems. As a result, modern art often falls short.