In the mad rush of living every individual has an agenda of daily tasks which leave little time for reflection or “activity for a more general good.“ Activity of this nature can be church related, non-profit related, or community related, and is essential to the life of a community.
When individuals do make the effort to add to the community by entering the realm of “activity for the general good” it is important to remember no organization (just like no individual) exists in a vacuum. Each non-profit, each governmental organization or advisory board, each public facility, each religious organization relates in some manner to its environment. How they all relate is what determines the strength of community growth and its quality.
When organizations can be brought together to work on joint tasks, then the “general good” is magnified in many ways.
Community Building, Means Synergy
One example of this effort here on the Space Coast has been the Strawbridge Art League in its association with the Brevard Zoo, with various writers’ organizations, and now with Historic Preservation.
Several years ago the Art League undertook a touring exhibit named “Africa Africa Africa” which helped the Brevard Zoo publicize its new attraction. For the past two years the exhibit “Florida Florida Florida” has been touring Central Florida with a book of literature – a joint effort by the Strawbridge Art League and the three local writer’s organizations. Now the Strawbridge Art League is working with several organizations and the City of Melbourne to help publicize one of Melbourne’s historic treasures – “Green Gables.”
Green Gables
by Lou Belcher
Perched on the bluff overlooking the Indian River Lagoon, the Queen Anne style Wells’ House has become known as “Green Gables.”
William T. Wells had the house built in 1896 when he moved his family south from New Jersey due to his wife’s failing health. When Wells first came to Melbourne, the area was largely unsettled. He acquired 154 acres within Melbourne and 2,000 acres in the surrounding area between Malabar and Palm Bay.
Forward thinking, Mr. Wells had the house wired and ready 17 years before Melbourne acquired electricity and installed the first indoor bathtub. The house is a treasure and one can only imagine standing on the veranda while watching riverboats pass lazily by on the river.
These kinds of efforts magnify not only individual contributions, but also the contributions of organizations. Everyone comes out a winner.
Working to help preserve the Green Gables building, Strawbridge Art League is presenting the GreenGables Exhibit. Slated for May 2005, GreenGables is a magnificent venue for discerning artists who wish to showcase their premier works in the elegant Henegar Center for the Arts, located in the heart of downtown Melbourne.
Take in will be held Monday April 4th, from 2:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Strawbridge Art League located in the Henegar Center for the Arts in downtown Melbourne. Members 18 years of age or older may submit up to three entries. For each entry, complete the required entry labels and secure to the back of your piece. Entry fees are $10 for the first submission and $5 per piece for the second and third. Make checks payable to The Strawbridge Art League.
League membership is a requirement for entry. The Strawbridge Art League is open to anyone who wishes to belong regardless of race, creed, color, or artistic accomplishment.

The Strawbridge Art League is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the active visual arts community on the Space Coast. Membership provides you monthly gatherings, demonstrations, and 11 newsletters annually. Adult annual Dues are $50 with membership running from fiscal year July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
This event is sponsored by Community Foundation of Brevard.
For more information, visit or call (321) 952-3070
Green Gables, also known as the Wells House, is a historic home at 1501 South Harbor City Boulevard in Melbourne, Florida, United States. The house fronts the Indian River. For more information, visit,_Florida)
Post Facto: The Wells House, Green Gables still stands in 2021. And in 2024.