The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is pleased to announce the creation of the “Florida Energy Achievement Awards.”
This new annual award will recognize a company, organization or individual that has made a significant achievement in the efficient utilization of energy, energy conservation, energy education or renewable energy in the state of Florida.
The award will be presented each October to recognize statewide leadership in sustainable energy savings. The selected winner will have achieved significant results in energy efficiency, conservation, energy education or the use of renewable energy in their facility or program.
Examples include reducing energy use, water conservation, renewable energy generation, use of alternative fuel vehicles, renovations or retrofits with energy-saving measures, reducing pollution, innovative energy saving performance contracts or utility energy services contracts, having a major impact on public education regarding energy issues or playing a prominent role in educating or disseminating information related to energy conservation measures or issues, helping generate awareness on energy-related issues, or other programs that have helped Florida use its energy and environmental resources more effectively.
Applications for the 2005 award are now being solicited, and must be received at the Florida Solar Energy Center by October 10, 2005. One winner will be selected annually and will receive an award as well as permanent designation in the energy center’s complex in Cocoa, Florida.

FSEC is the state of Florida’s energy institute, and is a research unit of the University of Central Florida. The center is celebrating its 30th anniversary this fall, and has instituted this new award as part of its anniversary celebration activities.
To apply for the award, interested organizations and individuals should contact FSEC, highlighting a key project and documenting its impact and effectiveness. The letter must give information on the program or activities that qualifies them for this honor. The energy savings and environmental benefits to Florida should be well documented to show quantifiable measures of energy savings or environmental improvement. The competition is open to all Florida companies, organizations and individuals (except staff members of the Florida Solar Energy Center and their families, who are not eligible).
Applications should be sent to Dr. James Fenton, Director, Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, Florida 32922, and be postmarked by October 10, 2005. The winner will be announced in late October.
The Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central Florida, is the largest and most active state-supported energy research institute in the country. Current research activities include solar water and pool heating, solar electric and distributed generation systems, energy-efficient buildings, alternative transportation systems, hydrogen fuel, fuel cells and other energy areas.
For more information about the center, visit