Caring in an “I Don’t Care” World

With eyes red and tears flowing from Jake’s mom she blurted, “Thank you so much Jason! My son is just not the same. The other night my ex-husband and I were violently screaming at each other. Jake, would normally begin physically fighting with my ex, instead jumped between us and told me that we just can’t go that route anymore”.

Jason, the Youth Pastor at “The House” (House of Prayer International in Palm Bay) said that Jake, now 15, decided to break up with his current sexual relationship believing that it would lead him in the same path of destruction that his parents had experienced. He has improved his school grades, reads his Bible faithfully every day and takes extensive notes on every sermon he hears.

Another mom began thanking God for the transformation of Sherry. At age 13 she was becoming her mother’s match in size and strength. With a low self-esteem Sherry found her meaning for life through music, a foul mouth and a bad attitude. Today, with her school work improved, a change in style of music, the formation of a good attitude and a new vocabulary to match, she has found purpose through being a part of an award winning puppet team at “The House”, changing the lives of youth and children with the positive message of Jesus Christ.

All over Brevard County, you find a host of Christ centered churches that understand the importance of impacting the youth of today! The beauty of Brevard County is the multitude of people who care enough about today’s youth that they actually get involved. One generation imparting truth and meaning to the next.
From Links of Hope, a consortium of churches offering Anger Management, Teens Gathering, Parenting, GED, ESOL and other programs to reduce child abuse to a myriad of programs offered through grants sponsored by the United Way of Brevard.

From the KLD Foundation sponsoring large youth concerts at the Space Coast Stadium to the Manager of Andretti Park, (Ed) working with County Commissioner Colon and local churches to provide a Spring Fest Outreach at their location. This and much more to resound our statement that “The youth are not the problem, they are the answer”!

Because of God’s interest in the next generation (Psalms 145:4), we at The House” have become a piece of the Brevard County’s puzzle to impact the next generation. With break-dancing classes, puppetry, camping, all night events at the Palm Bay Community Center and other outings, we provide a safe environment for fun and games.

With a Mini-Job Link outlet at the church and personalized help, their job prospective has been enhanced.

Finally, with in-your-face messages from the Word of God, discipleship classes that transform and teens that mentor teens; we are producing a future for families, corporate leaders and a future for Brevard County.

The question simply is… Are you part of the puzzle?

Contact Rev. Kenneth W. Delgado, Pastor at “The House” at (321) 952-5725.
House of Prayer International is located on Bottlebrush Drive in Palm Bay, Florida.

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