
Clean Tech Revolution

Talk radio host Laura Ingraham recently went against political lines as she interviewed author Clint Wilder about his latest book, The Clean Tech revolution. She started her bit, noting that when she picked up the book, she expected to read global warming hype and Al Gore political rhetoric. She was amazed by the basic premise, one that those familiar with the green building world have been trying to get out to the public for the last decade. We can use technology to make our world a better place. And businesses who lead this new tech wave will thrive.


Homegrown Biodiesel

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services is assisting Florida farmers and ranchers in producing bio-fuel crops to help reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign oil. Commissioner Bronson believes that Florida can be a leader in the effort of producing energy from crops and timber because of the vast amount of farm acreage in the state and its mild climate, which permits crops to be grown virtually year round.

Idealists Unite

What you are idealistic about is what defines idealism. And when both big parties fail to work together on issues, we see a house divided. America needs to refocus on issues. We need to work together locally, with people who care and want to work for a brighter tomorrow.

One Simple Step to Saving Gas

Three dollar gas is impacting the American psyche, but in ways you’d never have expected. You might think we’d see dramatic changes in the way we live and drive, yet the opposite is true. Instead of market price slowing consumption, the price must still not be high enough the make anyone second guess their driving habits. I’m shocked. Despite almost four thousand dead US servicemen and women, despite rising gas, despite world economic climate, the price of gas does not seem to be openly effecting us. And drivers where I live aren’t slowing down.


Energy Whiz Olympics 2007

More than 300 students and teachers from throughout Florida participated in the 2007 EnergyWhiz Olympics at the Florida Solar Energy Center on Saturday, May 12. Events included solar car races, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle races, a photovoltaic design competition called “Energy Innovations” and a solar-powered boat demonstration.


Turtle Krawl 5k – 2007

Join us for a family fun 10K bike or skate and 5K run or walk to benefit the Sea Turtle Preservation Society, a not-for-profit organization, whose purpose is to educate the public about marine turtles. The weather has been great, plan to join the Space Coast in this awesome event.


Hospice Care

A hospice team made up of nurses, doctors, social workers, chaplains, home health care aides and trained volunteers, work together to answer any and all needs of their patients. Whether their needs are physical, psychological or spiritual, the hospice team is there to provide care and support.